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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cartagena, Colombia

April 15

Had my alarm set for 6:20 but woke up at 6:04 in time to see the last few minutes of the sail-in.  We met for the tour at 7:00 in the Pinnacle Bar.  I chose to take the slower paced tour arranged by one of the roll call members.

The Spanish founded the city in 1533 and named it for Cartagena, Spain.  Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  We started by going to the hill known as La Popa and visiting the monastery.  We drove around the San Feilpe de Barajas Fort.  We then made a shopping stop before a walk through the old town.  On the way back to the ship we visited the new neighborhoods of Bocagrande and Castillogrande.  It started raining during this time and it was a drizzly walk back to the ship.

We left a few minutes before our slated 1:00 departure time.  Shane, the Cruise Director, narrated our trip out to sea.  I had a quick lunch in the Lido before heading to afternoon trivia.  We came in second.

Q. Which movie and its sequel won Oscars?
Q. What is a group of bears called?

Next, I went to the Creative Crafts Class to learn how to make a woven piece that could be used as a napkin ring or bracelet.  There were about 20 in attendance.  We used a piece of HAL ribbon which is going to be used in my scrapbook.

My trivia friends June and Penny told me I would be surprised how much culinary trivia I knew (Yeah, right) so I joined them.  We did not win although I did know three answers.
Q.  What candy bar was named for a horse?
Q.  How many teaspoons of refined sugar are in an average soda?

Watched the second of the lectures by Charles McClelland on the Panama Canal while getting ready for the evening.  Met June and Penny for trivia and Sue also joined us.  It was not one of our better games.
Q.  Which mammal lives the longest?
Q.  What is the only land mammal that can't jump?

Only five of us for dinner.  I had stuffed chicken and pineapple crisp for dessert.  Went to the show featuring Chris John an impressionist who performs as famous singers of the 60s through to the present.  He was fairly good.

My camera has stopped working.  Luckily, I brought my second best, also.  I'm hoping that I can get a new battery for my good one when I get home.

Trivia answers-- afternoon-The Godfather, sleuth
Culinary-Snickers, ten
Evening-humans, elephants

Panama Canal tomorrow.
Smooth sailing until next time!

Some scenes of Cartagena


  1. Great photos! Loved the one of the two ships you posted on CC, too.

    Enjoying your cruise with you -- thanks for taking us along!!!


  2. Hi Kathi and SilvertoGold
    I am also following the blog and enjoying the posts and the pix. THANK YOU
